O. of my dear friends has leukemia.
I set up a care page at www.lotsahelpinghands.com
You (and she) can sign up potential members and keep everyone posted as to that the "needs" are for the day, week, month, etc.
I've done a meal calendar (3x/week) and other requests can be posted as well.
Truthfully, what I have found is that back in November (when she was diagnosed) everyone was gung-ho to rally 'round. and pitch in...now, 6 months later, the verve is fading.
The family still needs help.
Maybe now more than ever, since her salary is diminished.
Really, my thought are of 15 people make a dinner once per month--easy, peasy, right? Wrong. It's the same old tried-and-true group of about 6 of us who cover most of it. Makes me wonder about all of those "what can I dooooooo?" questions I got at her diagnosis.
(Not saying you--but you seem to be O. of the loyal, dependable ones.)
The care page does make it easy for others to pitch in and fill needs for the family though.
Good luck and thanks for being an awesome friend.