We use gDiapers. They are fantastic! Sort of a mix between cloth and disposable. They are the only diaper that is certified by cradle to cradle. They are also flushable, but we throw ours out in biodegradable trash bags. I happy to hear you are considering the water consumption as well because we often forget that as well as the toxins we put into the environment by so many washes required by cloth diapers. gDiapers is a balance of both, check them out at www.gdiapers.com and have all your questions answered. Oh, and the big bonus - they're cute, cute, cute!
I'm surprised by the person who said her gDiapers leaked a lot because we haven't had any leaks with our gDiapers and our son is now one year old. I know that the company is very helpful and they are available to help you if you have leak problems - perhaps a different way of using them. Not sure, but definitely worth it to check out.
Here's some basic info from their website: gDiapers have no elemental chlorine, no perfumes, no smell, no garbage and no guilt. In fact, our flushable diapers are so gentle on the Earth you can even garden compost the wet ones in one compost cycle, approximately 50 – 150 days. Just think of the standing ovation you’ll get from the planet.
Why are gDiapers good for the planet? It is simple. Our flushables are designed using the Cradle to Cradle design principles of Bill McDonough and his firm MBDC. That means everything that goes into one of our flushables gets re-absorbed back into the eco-system in a neutral or beneficial way. So you are turning waste into a resource. At the same time, you are putting poop in the toilet, where it belongs, and avoiding the landfill issue all together.