For seasonal allergies, keep windows closed in the car and home to avoid exposure to pollens and limit outdoor activities when pollen counts are highest (early morning for spring time tree pollens, afternoon and early evening for summer grasses, and in the middle of the day for ragweed in the fall)
Consider using a HEPA filter to control airborne allergens (these only work if what you are allergic to is airborne, which doesn't include dust mites and mold).
Keep indoor humidity low, since dust mites and mold increase in high humidity.
Provide a smoke-free environment for your child (it is not enough to simply smoke outside).
These steps help to control common allergens, including dust mites, mold, animal dander and pollens.
Get rid of dust collectors, including heavy drapes, upholstered furniture, & stuffed animals.
Use an airtight, allergy-proof plastic cover on all mattresses, pillows and boxsprings.
Wash all bedding and stuffed animals in hot water every 7-14 days.
If you must keep pets in the house, at least keep them out of your child's bedroom and wash your pet each week to remove surface allergens.
Avoid exposing your child to molds by keeping him away from damp basements or water-damaged areas of your home (check under carpets).
Remove carpeting if possible.
Vacuum frequently (when your child is not in the room, since many of the things that cause allergies are small enough to go back out of the vacuum cleaner bag).
Cover air vents with filters.
Avoid the use of ceiling fans.
For seasonal allergies, keep windows closed in the car and home to avoid exposure to pollens and limit outdoor activities when pollen counts are highest (early morning for spring time tree pollens, afternoon and early evening for summer grasses, and in the middle of the day for ragweed in the fall)
Consider using a HEPA filter to control airborne allergens (these only work if what you are allergic to is airborne, which doesn't include dust mites and mold).
Keep indoor humidity low, since dust mites and mold increase in high humidity.
Provide a smoke-free environment for your child (it is not enough to simply smoke outside).