it's not the wrong thing. it is NOT. you are being a great, compassionate mom.
creating a panic in your child about bed time by letting him cry alone is the wrong thing; it's a bad idea that has become normalized for a lot of poor reasons. it's not working in your house, so it's very good that you stopped doing it.
some kids need help to fall asleep, that's just the way it is. i nursed my son to sleep every single night until he was 3 which is when he finally weaned, just a few weeks ago. but by the time he was 18 months, he could fall asleep with my husband cuddling him. it wasn't like we had some night life we needed to get back to, we're in this to be parents, right? so it was fine. and it worked. and now, my son gets a cuddle in his bed, and then turns over and goes to sleep himself. i still nurse my 17 month old daughter to sleep.
yes for several months i was nurseing both kids, and nursing both to sleep. as they mature so will thier abilities to do things on thier own, especially since they feel secure that when they need me i am there.
you are doing the right thing to help your son go to sleep. you may have to do it for a while, maybe till he's three or even 4. but so what? when he's ready he'll do it alone. they all do.
hang in there,