Sounds like you both play the martyr:
"I do EVERYTHING except mow the lawn and change the filters. Sometimes I'm actually jealous that he does so many fun things without me."
And a little bit of victim:
"I'm actually kind of lonely at times for adult companionship but my friends are busy with their families much of the times when my husband is out"
Marriage doesn't have a scorecard. It's not 50/50. It's 100/100. You give 100% and he does. Sometimes we can't - for a variety of reasons, and that's when my 100% covers a lot more of the housework, or packing, or whatever.
It's great that you have the martyr/victim terminology and hopefully some insight into scripts (the scripts we all "read" from like actors in a play).
I highly suggest marriage counseling. Sounds like there are some communication issues...
I wish you guys the best! Marriage counseling was one of the best things that happened to me - really gave me insight into myself. :)