Time outs work great. I try to begin time-out time by sitting w/ the child, a one-sentence explanation like "we don't hit/bite/hurt" and then redirect them to a book or some learning time, so they don't feel isolated from everyone. Esp. at age 2 when they take things a little more sensitively than at 3 or 4. the redirection is always a good idea, with the comment that hurting others is always a no-no. It is just a phase though, seems all 2yos go through it -- i'm waiting for my daughter to hit that stage, she just turned 2 and has yet to grab/bite/hit for a toy, but it does happen to her a lot by her brother or other kids in my care. :) If you are already doing time-outs and they aren't working, then the redirection should work, but have to be consistent either way. good luck