AHEM. Toddler trick: NEVER ask them a question you're not okay with both answers!!! And don't give them a ludicrus option. Ask if she's lonely, jealous, etc... but don't ask if she loves you! Don't even let that BE an option!!! She'll come up with that all on her own.
Whenever my son pulled the "I don't love you" or "I hate you" thing... my response was a huge grin and a wink and:
"That's okay kiddo, because I love you enough for BOTH of us!"
Sometimes he'd still grump, other times he'd argue that he loved me more than I loved him (to the moon, to the stars, all the way around the universe, etc.), other times it was the cold shoulder.
My mum let me know waaaay ahead of time (and then reminded me in the moment)... that
"When kids pull away, about 90% of it is testing you. Will you STILL love them even if _______??? What about ______? Now? And now? What about this?"
And that the harder the pull away, the faster they come running back. It's a test. Don't flinch.
In fact... one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE BOOKS EVER is a kid's book, JUST on this topic:
The little girl in the book is asking her mama if she loves her, even if I did this?
The mom answers each question (which get progressively worse, including turning into a polar bear and eating her mom) with the truth: "I'd be angry, but I'd still love you. I'd be VERY angry, but I'd still love you. I'd be surprised, and a bit scared, but I would still love you. I'd be VERY scared, but I would know that inside the bear, you would be you, and I would still love you."
LOVE this book. And it's perfect for the age. ((There's a dad version too, but it's awful. I was hoping to get it for my son's uncles, but I've decided to draw a beard on mom, and white out Mama and replace it with Papa with the Mama book.))