Help! My 2 Year Old Won't Sleep!

Updated on September 18, 2008
H.K. asks from Beecher, IL
9 answers

My son just turned 2 last week. Up until then, he was the BEST sleeper. He would go to bed between 8 and 9 and sleep until 8 or 9 the next morning PLUS take a 2 hour long nap. Friday night he went to bed at 8:30 and woke up at 1 AM, refusing to go back to sleep. I put him in his crib and as soon as I walked out of the room, he climbed out. Finally at 4:30 AM I laid in bed with him (In another room, not my room) and he slept until 7:30. Since then, he has been doing pretty much the same thing with the exception of 2 nights. He's not taking his normal naps, so I don't think that he's getting TOO much sleep. Does anyone have ANY suggestions?? I'm ready to pull my hair out!!

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answers from Chicago on

If he can climb out of the crib, think of a toddler bed. let him pick out bedding. We got everything for under 100 at walmart/target. The excitement might put him into a new change of pace. We took the handle/lock off the door and put it on backwards. So at night I actually lock him into his room. He either yells or knocks on the door tp get out in the am. We put a few toys in there too. So sometimes when I hear him up after I put him to bed, I know he goes and lays down after he is done. It might work. Good luck

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answers from Chicago on

I feel your pain! Our son went through almost exactly the same thing last year and all I can remember is how exhausted I was trying to deal with it! Here's what we did and what worked for us(we came up with this plan after a few sleepless nights on my part and a very long discussion): We made sure that we had a very calming, consistent bedtime and bedtime routine, we would both tell him goodnight, then we would walk out of the room and sit down in the hallway out of his sight but close to his room. Then every single time he would get up one of us would get up and put him back in bed without saying a word. Th first night wasn't too bad, I think he only got up twice, but the next two nights he got up a few more times. After the third night though he went straight to sleep and hasn't had a problem with staying in his bed since (he is 3 now)! My husband and I sat out for a few more nights just to make sure he didn't try anything. So a few things that I think made this work for us 1) We were very consistant, no looking back once we started. 2) We did it together, I don't know if your schedule allows this but I really think that this problem is just so exhausting to deal with by yourself, at least it was for me! I also think it helped that my son knew that we were both serious about him staying in bed. It also gave my husband and I a chance to connect a little (while we were waiting for him to fall asleep we watched LOST episodes online, with the sound turned down. It was actully kinda fun and we were a little sad to give it up!) If your husband isn't available to help, I would suggest at least calling a friend or family member to spend a few nights and help out, if at all possible!

Also, naptimes are still kind of a struggle with my son (he doesn't always fall asleep) but because we did this I can put him down for his nap and he will stay in his bed until I come to get him even if he doesn't go to sleep. (We told him he had to stay in his bed until Mom or Dad came to get him)I would suggest setting up something similar so that you (and your son) can get a break.

I hope this helps a little and hang in there!



answers from Chicago on

My 2 yr. old son went through something similar. He napped just fine, but suddenly started waking 3x at night for a month! Prior to that he was sleeping straight through the night. He is now sleeping through the night again. I think it was caused by teething (it never bothered him b/4, but these 2 yr. molars are a different story). Also, we had just converted his crib to a toddler bed w/ the side rails. I think that change was causing him to wake up too. I would advise against sleeping w/ him...I know from friends how quickly this turns into a habit. Maybe he's not napping well anymore b/c as they say, sleep begets sleep & broken nighttime sleep can be causing poor naps. OOH, a month b/4 my son started waking at night he went 1 week w/ not wanting a nap. It was so stressful!!! I think this was b/c of the transition to the toddler bed that he could get out of on his own. You said your son climbed out of his crib...if this is a new thing for him, maybe this newfound independence is what's causing the problem. If it is, it will wear off & he'll go back to his normal tendencies. Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

I have a two year old son also and we just went through this a few weeks ago...I think it may have been a growth spurt or something (my son also woke up a couple nights with leg pains...)...we just put him to bed earlier the days he didn't get much sleep and after a week or two he's back to normal if not better. I would suggest putting him to bed at 7 on the days after he has a rough night and see what least then if he wakes up early, you know he got a little more sleep...also our pediatrician suggested giving him his multivitamin (i don't know if your son takes one...but if he does...) before bed instead of in the morning...something about being able absorb it better while he's sleeping and that may help ease the stress of the growth spurt on his body...i dunno...good luck...:)



answers from Chicago on

My first 2 kids grew out of their naps when they were 2 years old. My 3rd is 2.5 but hasn't yet grew out of his nap. He may stop soon. He went a couple of days without his nap. He was taking a nap and staying up late or had an irregular schedule. I tried keeping his nap short. He was cranky for a little while and would sleep at 8 pm okay. My pediatrician says it doesn't matter how long he naps but rather when he starts his nap. If it's too late 2-3pm, it will interrupt his sleep later. He should start his nap between 11-12. He still nap and stays up but not until 10/10:30. You'll just have to find what time works for you best. I forgot to mention, my son would always get up in the middle of the night when he was overtired/did too much during the day. Good luck.



answers from Chicago on

I just went thru this with my 22 month old three days ago and and I took the mattress out of the crib one night and laid it on the floor and he slept thru completely. My older son did this too when he was almost two. i think its the crib, they start not liking that confinement. Now I was lucky to have a friend borrow me her toddler bed since I did not want to spend the money yet but I still have the mattress on the floor right now and he has slept thru every night and its very cute in the morning now cuz he;s like a big boy walking out of his room.



answers from Chicago on

Keep the nap. Put him in bed and if he gets out keep putting him back. Same at night. At that age he can understand Mommy loves you and it's time to sleep. Make sure his room is dark enough, and you have a short sothing bedtime routine. Gotta run. Good luck.



answers from Chicago on

My 2 year old does the same thing sometimes. Just keep in mind that while you are desperate and willing to do anything to get them back to sleep, he may expect that treatment the next night too. To break my son's routine, I repeatedly put him back in bed, not saying a word, until he eventually stopped getting out.



answers from Chicago on

dear H., i have a two year old who just did the same thing to me. it took me a while to realize but, she is getting her molars. they are big and breaking the skin so i am sure it is painful. i found out when i was tickling her and she had her mouth open laughing. then i realized that was what was changing her sleep habits. i gave her a dose of tylenol before bed and it seemed to help tremendously. good luck.

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