my oldest was 16 months and in the toddler bed. He did fine with it, also had good sleeping habits prior to moving him. I just had both in the room and he liked the crib for naps and toddler bed for night time sleeping. We did that for a month or so but he didn't always take naps by 16 months. He would sit quietly in his crib and look at a book or play with a toy during naptime, then in his toddler bed I had the baby gate up at his door and would peek in and check on him every once in a while because he wasn't sleeping but played quietly in his room during his normal naptime. He slept 11-12 hours through the night so he didn't require naps during the day and wasn't fussy at all if he didn't get a nap and would go to sleep easily at night.
2nd was around 18 months and she did fine in her toddler bed from the beginning, we didn't have the crib and toddler set up for her, didn't have room for both.
3rd was climbing out before age 2 and didn't use his toddler bed too long because he shared a room with older brother who had bunk beds and we would find him in the bottom bunk in the morning so he was in the regular twin bed pretty early.
All you can do is try it and see how things go. some like the crib, other kids don't care but be prepared, once they are in the toddler bed and realize their freedom they tend to get up more often and may not go right to sleep like they used to.
My niece however didn't realize her freedom and with the side bars on the toddler bed, she thought she couldn't get out so would fall fast asleep when she was in her bed and would cry to get out as if she was in the crib and didn't realize she had the freedom to get out when she wanted until she was 3.