Make sure nothing is physically wrong with your kiddo and there aren't any real bugs biting her then you can try either of these ideas. I have heard the monster "spray" (febreeze or water bottle with lavendar water/oil) is great and one of the easy ones to try first. Another one to try is saying goodnight to the monsters. When it is time for bed go through the usual routine but include saying goodnight to all the monsters and asking them to be good/quiet so little one can sleep well. "Monsters are noisy and bug us b/c they want attention and if we aknowledge them (your child's fear whatever it may be) then they will be nice and let us sleep peacefully." This is the explanation I read somewhere. This way there aren't any arguments over monsters being real or not, kids usually know they aren't, you have validated your child's concern and offered a solution instead of dismissing them being upset. Also try asking what her fear is if she will express it to you b/c most likely there is something concerning her and the monsters are her way of manifesting the problem. Good Luck and hope this helps some!