I have had them most of my life, I believe it is from allergies in my case. Both of my children get them often, mostly during the times when their allergies flare up. If I give them regular zyrtec they seem to get better after a few weeks. I have not tried this on myself as I hate taking the allergy meds. But have you ever been tested for outdoor or indoor allergens or even food allergies. Maybe that could be causing your problem as well? Other than that, I know people say sleep helps, but it doesn't seem to help when it is an allergy issue. So I guess if it because you don't sleep well or enough. Do you snore? Have apnea that would would cause you to not get enough sleep? I highly doubt any kind of concealer is going to help much, you need to find the cause of the problem and then treat that. I hope you can figure it out.