S., I agree with Ruth!! If you keep them separated, it could make things a lot worse!! Their little, they have no clue that they violated any rules!! It could be a big misunderstanding, and nothing was meant by it!! All children go thru this at some point either girl/girl, boy/girl or boy/boy, age 5 is a very curious age! I dont know if one or both of you as parents kiss boo boos or not, but in my dauhters case that was all it was!! That was when we had the privates are called private for a reason talk, and the no one should ever touch you there with minor exceptions of mom or dad and only when bathing, and kissing of boo boos dont occure if its around the mid secion etc. With my other daughter, we went to St. Louis and stayed at a hotel, they had bad XXX channels and we never dreamed that our daughter would get up in the middle of the night and be able to get such channels, she did, and she started asking very sexual ?'s!! It could be that they (one or both) saw part of a movie, by accident or seen a magazine! We had thought the worst, but one day, soon after she just told us that she saw people on tv do it and was curious!! Try explaining something you never saw, I had no clue what movie she watched or its content!! I was majorly relieved, cause with her ??'s we had thought someone had molested her, and took her to the Dr. That, Thank God was not the case!! Although if he does spend a lot of time elsewhere, you should have him checked out by a dr. just for peace of mind!! It could also be that the other boy was mad at him, and had already had that talk, and just wanted to get him in trouble, I have seen that happen too!! Which ever way it happened you dont want to scar them for life!! Mark it up as a lesson learned, and if your still uncomfortable, when they are playing together, just keep a closer eye on them and make sure they dont disappear behind anymore sheds!! Good Luck!!