I undertand your situation exactly. I was pregnant with twins, with one breech. The liklihood of her turning was almost nil -- yet she did! So, don't give up hope. BUT.... guess what, she turned again, and was born breech. As far as I can tell the Dr did a great job (this was in MN) and it all worked out.
BUT, before she turned, I was in your same position trying to figure out what to do, and I came to the conclusion that if a C-Section was safest, that was the way to go. I wanted to avoid it for ME, but I had to put the needs of my babies first. I talked with one Dr about breech delivery and he told me that Drs in America these days have so little experience with breech births, and pointed out that I might not want to be someone's learning experience.
So, that's my 2 (2000?) cents. I completely understand your position. I would just urge you to make your decisions based first and foremost on the baby. And stay positive -- your baby might turn!!!