It definitely sounds like you two need a heart-to-heart. Be prepared with your point of view, why you want another child, how it is affordable, etc. Be ready to answer all his questions and have a list of questions ready for him. Don't blindside him with this either, let him know you want to sit down and talk and ask him to get his thoughts in order first too. Like it or not, it takes 2 to make this baby and if you want a healthy relationship with him, it will take both of you being on board. While I am sure that he would fall in love with the baby by the time it arrived, but that's not the healthiest route to take - he should have a say in whether or not to have it to begin with. You really don't want him to resent the child or you. I know this is hard and is a source of stress in many relationships, mine included, so good luck to you.