Health Insurance Question - Cincinnati,OH

Updated on August 05, 2009
R.H. asks from Wexford, PA
4 answers

Hi Moms.

I am not new to Mamasource, but I am new to the Cincinnati forum. We are relocating from Michigan to Cincinnati for my husbands job.

The company has different options for health care, and I am not familiar with either of the providers or the associated networks.

The options are: Cigna (an Open Access policy or an HMO), and Humana HMO.

Does anyone have any information on the quality of the network associated with these insurance providers?

Also, any recommendations on OBGYNs, Pediatricians, Dentists, GPs, etc... very much appreciated. We'll be living in the Springdale area, but I am willing to drive a bit for a good doctor. I do prefer a health provider who is willing to work WITH me, rather than dictate a health plan. I'm very involved in my health care as well as that of my daughter. I educate myself and make informed decisions.

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answers from Cincinnati on

Welcome to Cincinnati! We use Cigna. I would highly recommend Dr. Bowen as an OBGYN. I use him and his practice is in Springdale.



answers from Cincinnati on

I have Cigna health insurance. My plan allows me to see any doctor that I want and they put $2000 each year into an HRA account that rolls over to the next year if you don't use it. If you use the $2000 then you pay $3500 out of pocket and after that the insurance pays 80% and you pay 20%. I have had good experiences with the customer support and I have not had any issues with them. They seem to have a fairly wide network of providers and any doctor that I have wanted to see has been in their network.

I love all of my doctors and dentists because I do research also and I like to discuss my options with my doctor instead of them blindly telling me what to do.

OBGYN: Seven Hills Women's Health Center (Anderson)
Pediatrician: ESD Pediatric Group (Milford, Hyde Park)
Dentist: Milford Dental Excellence (Milford)
GP: Bethesda Group Practice (Dr. Sheela Sheth in Milford)



answers from Cincinnati on

I can't really offer any advice about Cigna - I had never heard of it. I use the Humana Preferred HMO and I've been pretty happy with them.

If you're planning to have any other children, they have great maternity coverage - they have a maternity club that you can sign up for (free) and they send you a free book or dvd (you choose from titles like "what to expect when you're expecting" or books on breastfeeding or the 1st year of care, etc...)plus newsletters each trimester and a nurse will call every couple months to check on how you're doing and answer any questions you might have.

As far as medical costs - you pay the co-pay for your first visit, then every other visit is covered at 100%. There is a $250 co-pay for the hospital but the rest is covered at 100% (no coinsurance).

I very, very highly recommend Seven Hills Women's Health Centers - especially Gerard Reilly. I've been with him for 18 years now and would never consider going anywhere else. I've been really impressed with two other doctor's in the group too though (Kathryn Jabin and Bruce Tetirick).

In general, the deductible for the family is pretty low and there is a pretty extensive list for practitioners. Plus there is no maximum benefit allowance - that was really important to me because we lost my mother-in-law a few years ago to cancer and her medical bills were way over the typical $1,000,000 allowance that I've seen on most other plans.

Hope this helps!



answers from Cincinnati on

I wish I could help. Do not know the Cigna plan enough to speak. We didn't really have problems with the Humana HMO.

I can suggest though a OBGYN and pediatrician. You are not too far from either one. OBGYN would be For Women ###-###-####. There are at least 7 women doctors. I have seen all of them and they have delivered my 3 kids and I was high risk with all of them.

Pediatrician, I have recently found success with Suburban Pediatrics. They are in West Chester but they have other offices closer to where you are as well. I have found that they will listen to you and allow you to be active in the children's care. If you are wanting to be involved in the care as opposed to being told what you will do then please do not use Sharonville Liberty Pediatrics who has Dr. Lauren Peck in that practice. The staff was not friendly either.

Good luck.

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