Has Anyone Heard of Arbonne Int. ?

Updated on May 24, 2006
T. asks from North Las Vegas, NV
10 answers

My friend has asked me to get into the business of selling Arbonne products, it is a company like Mary Kay but the products are made made with natural ingrediants. I've heard it's great for stay at home moms. Any info would be greatly appreciated. T.

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answers from Las Vegas on

I have a very good friend who sells Arbonne in Utah. She did a great deal of research on the company before she joined and loves it. She is constantly trying to get me involved. I like the skin care products but for my life right now am just too busy.

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answers from Las Vegas on

I've heard of them and hear they're good. But I've also heard they're very expensive so it's sometimes hard to find the right market. I sell Pampered Chef and it has been very rewarding (both monetarily and socially) for me. A close friend of mine sells Mary Kay and she says it is difficult to find 'faces' to get new make-up products on. Whereas w/ The Pampered Chef, it's very easy to find people that have to eat! I have been making (on average) about $600 per month working about 15 hours per month. Please email if you want more information.



answers from Las Vegas on

My sister in law uses arbonne face wash, toner, eye cream and says she will never use anything again. She noticed a difference with her eyes right away. She gets it at arbonnne.com



answers from Las Vegas on

I have a friend's mom who sell Arbonne. The products are really rich and really expensive. I got a set of their baby stuff (baby oil, baby wash, etc...) My son broke out into hives immediately when I tried it. I think for a stay at home mom, something like Avon would be a better bet. Their products are more in most people's comfort zone as far as price. From what I remember, the Arbonne stuff is pretty pricey. It isn't anything I'd order regularly mainly because of the price.



answers from Las Vegas on

Hi T.,
I am a Director with Mary Kay. If you are wanting some company facts about Arbonne, here are some that were put out by a National Director from Arbonne.
Besides these facts, I don't really know about their company except for some encounters that some of my unit members and myself have had with Arbonne reps.
If you want some more information, please feel free to ask. I would love to offer you any information that you need to make the right decision for you.

Mary Kay is, and has been, the #1 Best Selling brand of Facial Skin Care and Color Cosmetics for 11 years.

Arbonne didn't make the list.

Mary Kay is a dual Marketing plan.

Arbonne is a multilevel marketing plan.

Mary Kay pays the highest commission on sales of 50%.

Arbonne pays 25-35% commission-you have to earn where you are at.

Mary Kay is an American company and we support an American economy.

Arbonne is based in Switzerland and supports a foreign economy.

Mary Kay offers commissions for mentoring women into our company with 4%, 9% & 13% commissions, directors also earn an extra 13% which means they can earn 26% commission.

Arbonne offers 4% override bonus based on volume production for brining in new consultants.

Mary Kay offers 3 career cars Pontiac Vibe, Grand Prix & Pink Cadi. Tags, Tax & Title all paid by Mary Kay and 90% of your personal car insurance and 2nd driver insurance all paid free! All American made cars. If you don't make production there is a co-op fee but it is minimal.

Arbonne car is a foreign car and when you go to pick up the car your name is on the lease and if you don't make production you personally have to pay the entire payment yourself personally $900+.

Mary Kay is based on Faith first, Family second, career third.

Arbonne doesn't claim any sort of mission statement.

Mary Kay is a leader in research in skin care and color cosmetics.
Mary Kay has been in business for 42+ years. Mary Kay has 1.5 million consultants world wide.

Arbonne has only 131,000 consultants and has been in business for 20 years.

Mary Kay has a bonus plan that pays consultants for mentoring women into the company $50 per recruit when they are a Team Leader and Sales Directors can earn huge bonus for personal recruiting and volume bonuses for the unit production that can add anywhere from $1000 to $10,000 per month.

Arbonne gives a quarterly bonus on volume production.

As a Mary Kay consultant you are in the right place at the right time. Mary Kay has launched the biggest and most expensive advertising campaign in the history of the company with TV advertising starting on September 1st.
Mary Kay is very ethical in our teaching and our business guidelines, never talk down about Arbonne to a customer. Arbonne consultants are known for talking bad about Mary Kay-just let it go and believe that you are where you need to be!! If a customer asks about mineral oil in our products just say we use pharmaceutical grade mineral oil and it is a binder to hold the products together and will not hurt your skin-Mary Kay would never put anything in our products that wasn't approved.

You may hear the buzz in your area about Arbonne, but remember Mary Kay is a staple in the beauty industry....just keep your head held high and know that we have the BEST customer service, the BEST skin care and color cosmetics, and we represent the #1 selling brand!!

Mary Kay has created a company that also has a Go Give spirit-not a "go get them" marketing concept that is based on customers only. We teach women about skin care and help them feel good about themselves!

Be proud, stand proud, walk proud, look sharp when you wear your pin and get out the door and make a difference for another woman!!! That is what Mary Kay is about!!!

*These facts were researched and given to me personally by a National Director with Arbonne. Any claims or statements are for your information only.



answers from Las Vegas on

Hi T., my husband's daughter is a regional manager of Arbonne Int,(California and Las Vegas) her name is Claudia Miro, you can see her web: www.claudiamiro.miarbonne.com or you can send her an email: ____@____.com or call her to her cell phone: ###-###-####, I'm sure she will be happy to help you.
By the way, I think I will sell those products as well. I'm going to move to Las Vegas very soon.
Good Luck



answers from Las Vegas on

I have heard of this company before. Do a google search for their website. My former manager and his wife got into it. I'm not sure how they are doing now, but in the beginning she did great. She is a sales rep. of over 20 years, so it was easy for her to sell.

I am in Pre-Paid Legal, which is also a home based business. It is extremely legit with great training and a nominal fee to start up. It is also on the New York Stock Exchange, trading under stock symbol, PPD.
In the Fall, they have their big convention right here in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand. I went last year, it was a blast and so inspiring.
If you are interested, let me know and I will give you more info.

A. S, East Las Vegas


answers from Las Vegas on

I have heard of the Company but do not personally know of anyone vconnected to it.
I myself have been selling AVON; with no real intention of "selling" but it pretty much sells itself....it's changed so very much from the old days when I was growing up and my mom bought.
What I like is there are no minimums every month and there is something for all - women, men and kids...

Hi T.,
Wanted to follow up with you to see if you ended up with Arbonne Int. - if you did how are you doing with it?

I wanted to share with you something new that I have found - check out my web-site at http://www.yourtreasuresinprint.com
It's great - I've made books and am just getting ready to order our X-mas cards. People love the fact that they can create their own life stories.
Call if you have any questions-



answers from Las Vegas on

Yes, I have heard of Arbonne Int. they are a great company to get into business with. I have thought about it, but I dont have the sales drive, so I doubt I would get customers.
If youre interested, you should do it.



answers from Las Vegas on

I have a friend who sells Arbonne and seems to like it. My skin doesn't do well with some of the products, but I know other people who swear by it and have had good results. Good luck!

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