hello robin,
yes, it has happen to me. And you will see with the more responses you get that it has happen to someone here and there. Just like the other ladies had suggested, just wait the few days then try again. But you have to relax as well. When I was trying on my second one, I was stressing like crazy. And I did get a period and all that. But by the following month I got pregnant. By that time I juse relax had fun and just wait and see game (which can be just as frustrating as it can get). But when I did find out that I was pregnant, I went to get myself checked by a doctor. I found out that I was more than a month pregnant. When I asked the doctor how could that be when I was getting my periods. He asked me have I been stressing alot and I said of course. He told me that is one reason why my body was reacting the way it was. Kinda weird, huh? But turns out that most females have the same kind of respond as I have. So just relax and don't stress. Yea as easy as said but just try not to stress. Have fun and before you know it, you have a bundel in your oven!! good luck!