Hi, I was there when my Best friend had it done with her first son. It was not painful for her at all, just a little uncomfortable and it may take a while to dialate you. It took one day and a full night to open her up.:)
I do not want any opinions on inducing please, I just want to know if anyone who has been induced, has gotten the balloon inserted to help dilate? If so..is it painful? Did it work for you? My doctor said it will atleast dilate me to a 3, if not a 4 and says it doesn't hurt. But, he's a boy. How would he REALLY know? haha. Thanks.
Hi, I was there when my Best friend had it done with her first son. It was not painful for her at all, just a little uncomfortable and it may take a while to dialate you. It took one day and a full night to open her up.:)
It's difficult to get the answers you're looking for on an online forum. So much information is left out, not being able to converse back and forth and ask questions. I understand you don't want opinions on inducing, which is why I'm guessing you've posted a 2nd time after receiving so many 'induction talks' on your last post. I'll try to do my best to answer the questions you've asked with the knowledge I have.
I have NOT had a balloon induction, but know many women who have through my local ICAN group (Int'l Cesarean Awareness Network). Most, if not all, of them were going to Dr. Harter (I'm in Vegas too...is this your doc?) and wanting a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). He's very much pro-natural birth, but to follow guidelines he likes to induce with the balloon for VBAC-hopeful moms so that he can be there at the hospital with the woman for the labor and birth (ACOG requirements).
From what I recall, sometimes it was successful...other times it was not. I believe the Bishop's score can be a good indicator of it it might work well
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishop_score). It helps the doctor and you know how successful ANY induction might be, meaning if your body is ready and will respond and go into labor on its own. From what I know, balloon induction is the least invasive and perhaps safest form of induction (besides herbs and other natural things). Study up on this information and ask your doctor about any of it.
If you'd like more info on any of my friends' experiences with balloon induction, send me a message and I can get you more details. I'd be happy to talk with you.
~N. V.
I got the balloon insert for induction 1 week before my due date. The process of it getting put in most definitely hurt, but only at the part when they fill it up. Otherwise, it was just a pain to move it to the side when I had to pee. It made me contract, but it only dialated me 1 cm...so in my case, it didn't work. And when the nurse checked me while it was still in the next day, well, that was the most painful thing I've ever felt. Hope this is the helpful advice you were seeking. Best of luck! :)
I don't know about the balloon, but to only get to 3 or 4 doesn't seem worth it. I was 3 cm dialated walking around from my 38 week appt. No big deal... what worked for me because I wanted to speed things up once I was already in labor was to get the epidural and have them break my water... scary looking needle, but with the drugs I didn't feel ANYTHING!
i haven't had it but since it's a mechanical dilation instead of chemical, it's better for baby. The best thing, of course is (if you and baby are healthy) to allow things to progress on their own. An unmedicated, unassisted (i don't mean without some medical supervision, ie. midwife or doctor, i mean no induction, no epidural, no drugs, no episiotomy) delivery should always be the goal in a healthy mom and baby.
Best of luck... i hope you have an easy delivery (yes, it's very possible to have an easy, unmedicated birth!).
I had it done and it didn't hurt. I did make me have some cramping though (probibly from being dialated). It dialated me to 6cm (I started off at 2cm when I got there). So, it didn't hurt, it was just a little uncomfortable. I even remember being able to get up and go to the bathroom if I needed to. Good luck!!
I had that with my second son who was born in April. It didn't really hurt in my opinion. Maybe felt like I had to pee. The dr put it in so that it would fall out at 3 or 4 cm (not at home but once I was in the hospital). It didn't fall out since I was laying on the bed at the time, but the nurse checked it at shift change and it came out right around 4cm. I don't think it was so much to help dilate faster or more so that they wouldn't have to keep checking to see how dilated I was. Once it came out they would know I was at least 4. With both of my kids I felt like I dilated slowly but then as soon as I got the epidural it seemed to move right along. My water broke with my first and they had to break it with my second. I hope this helps you a little. And don't worry about anybody who may be giving you a hard time about inducing. They don't know your story and it's none of their business what you do for you and your baby. I hope you get the answers you need. Feel free to message me if you have any other questions.
My daughter recently had this done and the only problem that she experienced was that it did not "fall out" as they said it would. She was at an 8 when they finally decided to check her. Make sure they check you often if you have this done.