hey Babe!!! I've not read your other responses yet so if I repeat - sorry. Most underwear lasts longer if washed by hand and air dried rather than hot heat.
if you have a kitchen sink that has two parts - I would fill one with water and soap/detergent NOT A LOT and the other with just water.
put items that are needed to be washed in the soapy water and "scrub" them....wring them out as best as you can in the soapy side and rinse them in other side...
Drying can be done several ways...if you have a large beach towel - take the panties and place them on a folded towel, fold it again and roll it up and wring it....this will keep the elastic from getting destroyed if you just wring them out without the towel..
You can also hang them up like you would pants or a skirt on hangers...if you have an outside line dry them there as well - I think you still have good weather....right?
If not - come up here...you can have a hot shower, cool house and I'll do your laundry for you...the kids will have playmates!!