My kids had it last month. It really wasn't that big of a deal. Very manageable and an only slightly annoying rash.
My kids did have the beginning signs (although they were so small I barely noticed). Cold-Allergy-Like Symptoms...runny/stuffy nose and kind of tired. Then all of a sudden one day, they both had rosey cheeks. I thought they were just tired due to the unusually busy week we had volunteering for Teacher Appreciation. But, then my daughter (almost 5yrs old) had a rash on her legs. I really had no idea what it was. I thought maybe it was an allergic reaction to some new fabric softener I was using. She wasn't itchy at all and didn't seem to notice it. Then my son (7 1/2yrs old) came down with the rash. His was more serious. It was all over his shoulders, then moved to his back, down his trunk, legs, then feet. He was annoyed quite a bit with the itching. I just gave him some benadryl and an oatmeal bath to comfort him. Him getting hot and sweaty made the rash worse...so keeping cool was very important.
The rash lasted probably a week and then it was gone. I found out several days later some other kids in his class had recently had it. Honestly it really wasn't that big of a deal...at least for us it wasn't. The kids really didn't have any cold symptoms to treat and by the time the rash made its appearance, they were no longer contagious. And really there's nothing you can do anyways since it's a virus. All you can really do is treat the symtoms with benadryl and maybe some hydrocortisone for the rash.