I have a 3 year old biracial daughter and have struggled with her hair since she was 6 months old. She's always had a lot of hair and as she's gotten older, it's gotten thicker and more kinky (extremely curly). While not all biracial children have the same hair (just like not all people of other races have the same hair), I have heard that leave-in conditioners are the best. I've tried TONS of spray detanglers which worked at first when she was younger but now that her hair is so thick, the only leave-in conditioner I've found that keeps her curls nice and not frizzy is Paul Mitchells "The Conditioner." It's a blue conditioner that you can work through her hair and then comb through.
The other IMPORTANT thing to do with your daughter at this age is to consistently run your hands or a comb through her hair multiple times a day so she can get used to having her hair done. I didn't do this with my daughter when she was young and just put her hair in pom poms and now she is EXTREMELY tender headed (which makes doing her hair everyday QUITE the challenge).
I tried growing her hair out so it would weigh it down but that didn't work. I would advise against using grease and any other heavy products in her hair at this age. Again, the leave in conditioner will make the curls look very nice (works best if you put it in while her hair is wet and then let it air dry). Then it will look nice just combed through if you don't put it up.
Also, my daughter's hair never stayed in braids (her hair has been long enough since she was 1). THe texture is too soft and the braids came out very easily. She screamed anytime we had someone put it in braids as it was very painful and it ended up not being worth it.
Hope this helps! Good luck!