my ex and i still talk and give advice to eachother in regards to dating, and if theres an issue with my daughter or J. to pass by time on long drives talking about our daughter, of course in the midst of selling a house and splitting finances sometimes we argue, but I see us being friends when everything settles. I hope he finds someone who compliments him and is good for my daughter and I hope to be friends with this future girl, as I too hope when hes ready he will be friends with my bf....we've been seperated over 2 years...he cheated like crazy, and there are definite reasons why were not together but I see no reason not to be friends and coparent smoothly, the past made us who we are and I don't begrudge him for any wrongdoings in the past...he;s sorry for them, and hopefully has learned and to be mad or hold a grudge means he's in control and determines my future, when the oppositte is true! No matter what harm was done it is my choice to better myself and move forward in a healthy way for my daughter, and part of that is being friends with her dad, so I'm happy to do it!