I'll be the dissenting voice, so you can get both sides :-)
We decided to wean from the paci at 6 months and are so happy to have done it. We were like you, where we would be going in throughout the night to replace the paci, and at some point I just thought exactly what you are thinking: that we were helping create a bad habit and that his sleep was suffering. Now, no doubt if we'd let him keep it, eventually he would have learned to find it and put it in his mouth himself, but we couldn't think of a good reason to do that. (It's not like sucking on a paci is a crucial life skill to learn.)
Anyway, around 6 months, we just stopped cold turkey. It was hard for a couple days and nights, but then, like magic, he started sleeping MUCH better. At this time we gave him a little lovie (we love the Angel Dear animal series) and he chews on the corner of that. He was still taking a little 30 min nap in the evening and we discovered it was totally linked to the paci. Without the paci, he went down to two nice naps and longer stretches at night.
Whatever works best for you, and there are much worse things than having to wean a kid from a paci at one or two years, but the process at 6 months was very simple for us. Best of luck!