Good Place for Inexpensive Italian Food

Updated on May 07, 2011
A.M. asks from Marshfield, MA
7 answers

Hi! Hoping someone can help me out :)

I'm pregnant and really want some Italian food but also don't want to spend a whole lot...

Anyone know a place in Marshfield or Pembroke that's good?

Pizza places are OK...I could go for some pizza, but looking for some place that has pasta at least.

I was thinking I might just go to Papa Gino's cause that's all I can think of.

Thanks! :D

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answers from Boston on

Mama Mia's on Rt 139. They even have a homemade noodle [pasta]that you can have instead of the regular pasta. Its out of this world and not too expensive. Mangia [not sure if its spelled correctly]


answers from Norfolk on

Grocery store.
Angel hair pasta (cooks up in about 3 min in boiling water).
Some tomato sauce in a jar (any flavor is good but my favorite lately has been the Vodka sauce).
Some Parmesan cheese to sprinkle on the top.
You can mix in just about any meat with the above.
We like meat balls, left over chicken, etc (shrimp is ok but I like it better with Alfredo sauce).
A little garlic bread and a small tossed salad rounds the meal out.



answers from Philadelphia on

Do you have a Bertucci's restaurant where you live? There food is delicious and not too expensive. They give pizza dough for the kids to play with :)



answers from Boston on

Have you tried Mamma Mia's on 139? It's on the Marshfield/Pembroke border. I'm from that area and there isn't much in the way of Italian any more!



answers from San Diego on

Darn, Now I want Italian food!!! Hope you find yours and eat enough for both of us. OOps just saw that this is days old but, I still want Italian food. Did ya get it?



answers from Cumberland on

buy a cookbook-the best food is made at home!

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