Good Mom
-I wrestle...hard! I love to flip and twirl my boys, and they love to wrestle with mama.
-I sing. I sang my boys to sleep until they were 5, they loved it!
-I am taking care of myself and trying to be healthier. A healthier mom means that I will be around longer to take care of my children.
-I love them and tell them EVERY SINGLE DAY that I love them and how special and precious they are to me.
-I love their dad. We are good together and my husband and I work hard at our marriage.
-I do not have goals for my children. I want THEM to have goals and then I will be behind them, supporting, cheering, and applauding when they reach their goal.
-I laugh, I play games, I read to them, I do all the other "good mom" things.
Bad Mom
-I hate doing homework with my second grader. It makes me want to pull my eyebrows out one by one. We both suffer. it's not pretty.
-My second son is giving me a run for my money with his sassyness. I lose my patience with him.
-I feel bad that I REALLY wanted another boy for my third child and I wasn't thrilled when we found out she was a girl. I am thrilled NOW, but I wasn't when I was pregnant.
-I yell, curse, and lose it. But, I am human. I apologize to my kids when it happens, and thankfully it doesn't happen very often! :)