"Good Eats" for a Surprise 30Th Birthday Party

Updated on December 10, 2008
M.B. asks from Sherman, IL
4 answers

Calling all receipes!
My husband's best friend is turning 30 in January and we are throwing him a Surprise party. He has had a very rough year (his wife surprised him with a divorce) and sometimes he says he feels like a 5th wheel to all his "Married" buddies. We want to prove how wrong he is since he is a very caring, fun person and is always going above and beyond for all his friends and their families. My husband and I are doing this with his cousin so please pass along all your ideas and receipes!
A little about the guest of honor...loves sports (Miami, Cubs, Illini), video games, comics, water sports, basically all guy! Thanks for all the ideas!

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answers from Chicago on

When I read your post my first thought since the birthday boy likes sports, is to make what you would make for a superbowl party. Maybe even decorate in the color of the bears or which ever team he likes. You can make Chili or sloppyjoes, chips and dips, a big tray of lasagna. Or if he likes a team from another state make the foods that are normally found there.
Have Fun!

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answers from Chicago on

If you are going with a sports theme, A jumbo sub sliced in to 3" or 4"pieces. You can get a couple different kinds of subs or maybe brats. Maybe veggie pizza, or even regular pizza. I would say keep it really simple and just have fun.


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answers from Chicago on

Whenver my husband has the guys over, chicken wings and celery are a hit. I think they feel like they're at hooters:) Chips and dip and guac are good. I buy pita from traer joes and rip it up into little pieces and heat up spinach and artichoke dip.
Without going to into themes, you can use his favorite sports teams colors for trays and bowls, etc. You can also play "pin the blank on whatever his name is" You can buy a poster of a guy at a party store, and just glue his picture to the head. We did this at a 30th and it was a hit. good luck and have fun!

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answers from Chicago on

My friend threw her son a cubs party and she served hot dogs, brats, chips, a couple of salads, and she had a nacho bar~which was repeated for a halloween party b/c it was a huge hit!! Also, I have no shame in promoting my own business, I offer a variety of sports themed/team specific theme cakes and cookies which make a great thank you for coming gift. If you want more info just contact me at ____@____.com. I am also a mom owned business here on this site. Good Luck~he is really lucky to have a great support system like you and your husband and other friends!

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