E. -
Give him a list of "to dos" that he can cross of as he does them to "help" Mommy while you are gone. I can include reading a certain book, making a block tower and taking a picture of it, watching his favorite tv show a couple of times, going for ice cream with his dad, drawing a picture for you or his sister, etc. Pick things that he LOVES to do. It is okay to put things on the list more than one time. He is a boy - this gives him a mission - things to do before Mom gets home. Also - I know it is a short time, but record some of his favorite bedtime stories or songs for your husband to play for him - especially important if you are the one who normally does bed time routine. On that same note - make sure your husband KNOWs the routine so that is stays consistent with you son. Go ahead and put a special activity that the whole family will enjoy and look forward to on the Calendar for after you get home - it gives you all something to talk about, plan and look forward to during the absence. It doesn't have to be expensive or huge - just a family activity that will be fun. Oh and make the chain a little "extra" long - just in case you are delayed for some reason....then if you come home on time or even a little early - it is like "bonus" time. (However, if you are counting the days until you leave - shave off a few and then you get "bonus time" on the front end of the trip as well).
Oh and I apologize for saying a month is not that long - it is - I am just more accustomed to the 12(mine) and 15 month (my husband's) departures that are commonly associated with military life.
Good luck as you go on this trip. I hope it will be a unique time of bonding for you and your daughter and for your husband and your son. Enjoy!
Mom of 3 boys - and I left home for a year with my Reserve Unit when the older 2 were 2 1/2 and 6 months. My Husband left for 15 months when the kids were 6, 4 and 4 months, and we have had several 1 month or shorter separations. So we have been down the road of what do to a couple of times.