I am a leader of a Brownie troop that started as Daisies three years ago. First of all, let me assure you that the leading of the troop can be as easy or as difficult as you want it to be. I was not a girl scout growing up, so really started from scratch on this. There is some mandatory training sessions to get started, but once those are done (and you can start the troop BEFORE you are done with all the trainings) how much more training you want is up to you. There are many activities arranged by your local council, like camping, science workshops, and the like, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Also, google daisy girl scout crafts or activities and you will have SO MUCH information it will be coming out of your ears. Paperwork occurs at the beginning and the end of the year, so it really shouldn't be a factor as to NOT to do a troop.
Our troop charges $40 a year per girl for dues, instead of doing it per meeting, and that makes it a bit more simple as well. Daisys don't sell cookies, so don't even sweat that yet. When cookies do come around, you can make a decision as a troop to sell or not to sell, it is NOT required. (And cookies are a pain in the patootie, I will not lie).
We have two meetings a month, and I spend about 2-3 a month planning meetings, getting supplies together, making sure the bank statement balances, etc. It really isn't as complicated as you may think. Our girls do a lot of crafts and earning Try Its, but there are charts you can download to help track things like that. Everything you might need for girl scouts someone else has already done and posted on a blog or website somewhere! :)
We also do a lot in our community, such as we had a spare change drive and one meeting was spent having the girls count out $101 in spare change. That money will go to our food pantry. Later this month we are officially adopting a neighborhood park. We also did a blanket drive for the homeless in December.
We have nine girls, and are not allowing anymore in the troop (that is your choice too--you can limit the size of your troop). When we first started, we limited it to six, but we got more comfortable, and allowed a couple new girls last year. I don't think we will go above nine. I do have a co-leader, but she works nights, and can't make all the meetings. She does help with the meeting arrangements, even when she can't come, and that 2-3 hours I quoted you is for both of us, not apiece.
I hope this helps. It is not for everyone, but I am not one of those "I just love kids, any kids" type of people, and we make it work, and really do have a lot of fun with it.