I swear it gets easier. The initial orientation stuff is overwhelming. Last year we had to take all day in person classes...I would have loved to just do this online. This year you can do all the initial training online, the Leadership and age level training are on in the same this year.
I was a first time Daisy leader last year. So yes the "problem" is you are new and there is so much they have to require so that they know they have the right ppl in charge.
Meeting place - Contact the school district to see if the school(s) have any openings...contact all churches in your area ( sent a bcc email to all churches I had all 6 of the respond with "we would love to have you use our facility")...
2. Meeting time - pick the time that works best for you and your co-leader..don't worry about the moms and the drama.
3. Buy an expanda folder, a storage tub w/ lid.
4. Deep breath.
5. Contact the parents as if anyone has any "extra supplies".
6. Breath again
7. Go to GOOGLE and search Daisy Girl Scouts activities
8. First meeting- it is ALL ABOUT THE GIRLS at this age.
I am more than willing to mentor you through this if you need help just PM me.
Our first meeting we made our promise signs, we talked rules for the troop, they came up with thier own rules (i.e. Never hurt your friends feelings, don't interupt someone when they are talking) They did this on their own. We took a posterboard put the rules on there and the rules came to every meeting. We also use another poster board and had the girls tell us what types of activities they wanted to do...bowling, skating. etc.
For our meetings we choose a petal color and talk about it's meaning and then our meeting activities assoicates the petal colors. We once played musical chairs and the girls were resposible for themselves and this showed honesty and fairness. (Light blue petal)....
Again PM me anytime you feel overwhelmed by this time next year you will LOVE IT! I never thought I would and I love seeing their faces light up when then are trying something new or working on helping new girls learn. We had seven girls last year...this year our troop has 17! Everyone wanted to be in our troop. We are active...I go by what the girls say they want to do...it is after all their troop.
Added: Money Earning (fundraising) this year will in my opinion be easier for you due to cookies sales are direct order now...you will be able to have cookies on hand when they are sold and you can collect money right then. This will build your bank account. Also I do have each girl pay dues in the beginning of the year. last year it was $30 for the year this paid for their petals, insignia...I had parents purchase the vest or tunic...
If your SU has a meeting once I month I highly reccommend you go or the co-leader there is so much information within these meetings.
I actually have two because I am no on the SU Leadership Team...again I never thought I would have so much fun in GS...didn't do it as a little girl, and when my daughter said "Sure my mom will be a leader", I wanted to scream HELL NO! But those big brown eyes looked up...and now I wouldn't change it for the world.