My daughter will be 2 next month and she loves to be outside and always wants her sisters bike, she is 6. So we got one of the push tricycles! She loves it, we gave it to her already since the weather is awesome!
Hi Mommas!
We are going to a soon to be 2 year old boy's birthday party. What do your 2 year olds really like? Do you have any recommendations for a good gift for a 2 year old? I asked this last year when he turned 1 and got some great ideas. Thank you!
My daughter will be 2 next month and she loves to be outside and always wants her sisters bike, she is 6. So we got one of the push tricycles! She loves it, we gave it to her already since the weather is awesome!
I think a two year old likes any/everything. The gift is usually for the ooohs and ahhs of the adults.
Travel DVD player
Train set (even the inexpensive, wood ones)
Bath toys
Books that make music
Toy guitar
Our kids really liked (and still do) those big oversized bathtub crayons. It encourages drawing and creativity and holding a crayon/writing object in a place where it doesn't matter if you scribble all over everything. :)
My son will be 2 in one month.
He likes:
Balls-any and all
Cars (movie) cars. He likes all cars...but really likes the ones w/ faces.
Anything w/ Sesame St. or the Muppets.
Toys to play w/ outside.
Don't think those are too original...but that's what the boy likes! ;)