Raina, I hear your fear, your sadness & your anger over your situation with your husband. Only you can decide what to do next, the important thing is to surround yourself with people, whether friends or family who support you in a positive way, in addition to your therapist. And if you don't have supportive friends/family, join a women's or separated parents support group.
In the event you have not already discussed this possibility with your husband, it would be beneficial if he is willing to go to couples/marriage counseling, so you can each hear the other's needs & feelings & receive helpful insights & recommendations.
If he says yes, great! That indicates he is still willing to work on you two reuniting. If he refuses to go, believes you are the one with the issues, then let him & the marriage go. It takes two to create a relationship, two people contribute & two people either connect deeper & deeper over time, or drift apart. His answer will let you know...
When I was living with a man in an unhealthy relationship, the WISEST words a friend spoke to me, while I was anguishing, was 1) To stop focusing on him & what upset me about him & to FOCUS on my own life & happiness, things I could control (can't make another do anything! so why waste thoughts, feelings there!) & 2) to be the happiest, healthiest Mom, for myself AND my children...
Your daughter NEEDS you to be gentle & loving with yourself, to make choices for you & her that bring happiness... She needs to have a Mom that is there for her, laughs & plays with her, to keep her life stable & loving through this. She needs YOU together & grounded... You can take the private moments to grieve or be angry, through journaling & therapy, take long, hot soaks in the bathtub... And when you two are together, you as the adult & mother are to be strong, loving, helpful & FUN! That will help you as well... when you are laughing & playing, you can't feel sorrow...
I wish you & your daughter Peace & happiness.