So I unfortunately have lots of experience with this topic via my children. You can take olive oil and rub a few tablespoons into his hair (coat it thickish). Keep it on but don't make it drip into his eyes..and let it stay there for a few hours--or overnight if you can. If you have to wrap the head in saran wrap to keep it in. The oil clogs up the openings and the lice can't hide. You can then get a comb and go & get the bugs, individually go through sections of the hair with a fine tooth comb..pull up the hair pieces from the root and run an alcohol square from the root to the shaft. You will capture most if not all of the lice. Do this on day 1, day 3, day 5 and day 7. You will most likely be clean by day 5..but doing it just 1more time provides a security that you got them all. As for the house, take all pillows, stuffed animals & fabric toys & place in plastic bags--twist out the air and knot the bags. Keep the bags closed up for at least 14days. Wash everything EVERYTHING in HOT HOT water (blankets, sheets, clothes). The dog shouldn't get the lice as lice don't like dogs (hair) but if you want to feel safe you can coat the dog's coat with olive oil..just be sure to crate the dog for the night and then wash out in the am.
GOOD LUCK & I feel for you!!