I was in the same boat as you....TTC #2 in a rush, but for different reasons. Ours was due to health insurance. Anyway, I asked my doctor & they told me that I could stop bf'ing, but there is no guarantee that I would ovulate anytime soon. I could, but they didnt know. It can take 6 wks -6 mos to get your cycle back, & you still may not ovulate.
I have researched this subject to death!!! I searched all over the internet, read books, & everything else you can imagine.
We decided that I would continue to bf & see what happened. I started nursing him 3 times/day....morning, noon, & bedtime. It was about 6 weeks & one morning I ovulated, we did the deed, & I got pg!!! I dont know if that was the key for my body (only nursing 3 times/da) or if my body would have started ovulating on it's own anyway. I never got a period.
As far as ovulation signs, there are many. Cervical fluid, cervical position, & basal body temps....you can learn more about this in a book called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". It is easy reading (I have ADD & I had no issues reading this book). I used this method to get pg with both of my kids. I have a 14 month old & are 16 wks pg with my 2nd.
BTW, I ovulated when my son was 11 mos old. But remember, everybody's body is different. Try to remain calm about it all & know that it will happen when it's supposed to. I totally understand your desire for it to happen sooner rather than later due to your husbands deployment, but stressing about it wont make it happen any sooner.
Good luck & please keep us posted.