Since I don't know what technique for training you are using, I would start from the beginning. I waited until my son was telling me he had made in his diaper to start serious training. He was almost 3 but I did have him getting used to just sitting on the potty not expecting anything for a month or 2 before. I would put him on the potty every 15-30 minutes initially and he would get a small treat each time. He liked Annie's Organic Bunny treats. The rest of the time he wore pullups. We would go before we left the house and immediatly upon getting home even it was only 15 minutes. My son learned to go number 2 first. He was telling me within days of starting that he had to go. If he has an accident let him leave it in there for a few minutes. Then I would say, "You went poopy and had an accident. You see how that feels"? The elaborate of how it feels physically. Then came him telling me he had to pee, but that come after 2-3 weeks. Keep with the small rewards each time. Some kids, even at 3 are not ready. Don't draw out the whole process. If it's meant to work, it will happen quickly. Otherwise you and he will get stressed out.