No scheduling for an infant this age. Feed on demand and let her nap/sleep on demand. Then you will have a thriving baby.
HI Ladies,
I need help...I feel like my 3 month old has no schedule. I didn't seem to have this problem with my son. Basically she's eating whenever she's hungry, every 4-5 hours during the day (sometimes a little longer if she's napping) and at night she goes anywhere from 6-8 hours between feedings. Wondering if you have recommendations for sleeping and eating schedules and how to get there...book recommendations, things you've had success with, etc. Thanks for your expertise!
So the 4-5 hours during the day is on average - sometimes it's only 3 hours, it just depends. Maybe I am remembering things differently with my son but I know that by 3 months he was pretty much sleeping thru the night b/c it happened as I was returning to work. Thanks for all of your input, it sounds like based on what everyone has said that she's doing fine and I should relax a little. Thanks to everyone!
No scheduling for an infant this age. Feed on demand and let her nap/sleep on demand. Then you will have a thriving baby.
I'm a first time mom so I don't know if my answer is going to be that great, but it was right around 3 months that my daughter worked herself into her own schedule. She's very different than what you are describing your baby to be. She is now 7 months old and still eats every 3-4 hours during the day. She has gone to bed at 7 since she was 3 months and wakes up at about 230 to eat each night. I really didn't have to do anything to get her into this rhythm so perhaps your daughter will do the same.
she's only 3 months old , feeding on demand is what she does.
don't you eat when you are hungry? Why can't she?
on demand feeding is better for her and you.
Every 4-5 yrs during the day seems a far space for a 3 month old to me. As does a 6-8 hrs at night.
I don't seen any problems with her current schedule.
Her "schedule " is going to change through out her growing up b/c she will hit growth spurts every 2-3 months as well as during milestones , illnesses , etc.
Relax she's doing great.
Through the night for an infant is 5-6 hrs.
Give it another month or so and I bet she will put herself on a schedule. It sounds like to me she's doing fine. Actually great. I think my daughther was still eating every three hours and waking much more often to eat at night then your little one.
I think for a 3 month old she is doing fine, but if you want, try this......
First I would write down what she is doing and at what time..........then I would figure out what is good time wise for her.........so, if she gets up at 7AM and eats breakfast..........don't let her "snack" or eat until maybe noon..........let her eat as much as she wants..........then give her a snack around the middle between lunch and your supper.......then make sure she eats supper...........between supper and bed time, give her another snack..........
Now with all that said, she is only 3 months old, so, if she gets really upset, and she is sucking on her hand, she's hungry..........then give her some food..........
She will grow out of eating so much, but she is young and she just may need more nourishment than you son did, so don't be too harsh with giving her food........especially milk............
Take care and good luck.
She has a schedule. Her own. She needs to nurse on demand if you are breastfeeding. If she's growing well, then her feeding times are fine.
I can't imagine scheduling a baby at this age. She knows what she wants and will tell you.
I bet you are remembering things differantly than they really were. - or you didn't need a schedule because you didn't have another one to care for. Having a toddler you have to be pretty rigorous about schedule, but when it's just a baby at home it's differant. At 3 months - she's still putting you on a schedule. Her body tells her when she's hungry or sleepy. If we followed our own body clocks we'd be a lot better off. AND....she's letting you sleep 6-8 hours a night! Glory Be you are blessed. If you weren't getting any rest at night I'd suggest ways to get her to sleep longer.
It sounds like a good schedule already for a 3 month old. The only thing I can recommend is if you work and are going to return start as early as you can with waking the baby early enough for the feeding / changing and getting ready for the day wheather in house childcare (sitter, daddy, or g-ma/g-pa) or taking to daycare. as long as the morning hour is steady the rest of the day soes not matter, she will adjust her self to get what she needs when she needs it, allow her to. Baby's are amazing things they are needy on one hand but extreemly self sufficient on the other hand.
you are going to make yourself insane if you try to do this. not really possible until closer to 6 months for most children. dont worry that will come soon enough and dont waste your time with books, trust your instincts!
If she's doing okay with such far apart feedings (gaining weight, etc.), it's probably fine, but you might want to try a little more frequent??
This is just my take...We did the "eat, awake time, sleep" pattern, although my LO didn't go 4 hours between feedings during the day until more like 4-5 months. Our day (I'm only including sleep and nursing, not counting solids here) looked something like this from about 4-5 months until she dropped the AM nap at 14 months:
7AM - up and nurse
9 or 9:15 - nap for about 1.5 - 2 hours
11AM - awake and nurse
1 or 1:15 - nap for 1.5 - 2 hours
3PM up and nurse
7PM, nurse, then go to bed.
***until about 7 months, there was a catnap at about 5 followed by nursing, and then bedtime and a "top-off" nursing was somewhere around 8.
I didn't go longer than 4 hours during the day because of supply and because I wanted her to have her big long stretch at night. :) When we added solids, I nursed first and then gave her solid food at feedings, and then gradually stretched out her solids so she was doing breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Hope that is helpful!
I found that with both of my boys I let them create their schedule. For several weeks I wrote down when they ate and slept then took a look and figured out that they really did have somewhat of a pattern. The thing that I tried to do differently with my second son is that I would really pay attention to his tired cues and get him sleepy but not asleep and put him down. It really worked and helped so much because I don't have to hold him and rock him to get him to go to sleep. With a toddler running around at the same time, that just isn't possible!
I pretty much let them eat on demand and sleep on demand, but found that they really did have a pattern.