Look in your car manual at the recommended gas. Many people are under the false impression that premium is 'better' or that newer cars require premium...this is a myth. If the manual says 'premium', bummer you have to get premium. If your manual doesn't say premium and you get premium because you think it's better for your car and saves you mileage...you are very far from the reality of the situation. Anything other than the kind of gas your car manual says it needs is actually causing poorer performance, even if the title of the gas you are giving says 'premium'. The Octane level is specific to your car engine so look it up!
One other myth is that some gas stations sell 'better' gas. Gasoline is gasoline is gasoline...Shell's unleaded IS THE SAME as Arco unleaded. It might make you feel better to pay a bit more, but there truly is no difference.
Other than what I shared, I agree with many others who feel putting pressure on energy efficient technology to move forward is the policy way to go. Figure out how to outfit your home with energy-saving things and at the very least those monthly utility bills might go down. I know people who collect rain water to use for sewage and gardening to lower their water bill (easier to do in Oregon than Arizona!). I know others who have paid for solar panels, got a huge tax credit for doing so, and end up getting checks FROM the electric company each month! Others purchase hybrid or electric cars.
None of these solutions (short of not using premium if your car doesn't need it and going to the cheapest gas station) will result in immediate savings, but all of them will send a powerful message to policy makers and underhanded gas-gougers that the days of depending on oil are slowly but surely coming to an end. The message is sent through your pocketbook, instead of your pocketbook getting the false message that you have to pay for whatever they want you to pay for.
Don't let anyone fool you. Drilling for our own oil doesn't solve anything....it postpones the inevitable and threatens the great people of coastal towns and economies dependent on a healthy ocean. You don't have to be a 'tree-hugger' or and animal lover to see the very basic reasoning to this. This isn't an 'us' versus 'them' issue in politics, it's a 'you either get it' or 'you don't get it' issue in terms of being economically educated or politically brain washed to go against your own best interest.