I despise fundraisers. They are a complete waste of classtime and I very much dislike turning my children into salespersons for some company so the school can get a teeny tiny percentage of the profits.
10-30% of the PROFIT margin isn't very much money at all, especially for the work and time put into the fundraiser.
Instead, I suggest this: Get together with the PTO/PTA and write a letter to parents. Outline the goal of the fundraiser, exactly WHAT the money will be spent on, and ask if they will make a direct contribution/donation to the cause.
If my sons came home with a well written letter, I knew what the money was being used for (the kids usually have NO IDEA what the money is being raised for), and was told 100% of my contribution would go towards the cause....I'd bust out my checkbook right there.
No cheap candy, no wrapping paper, no movie passes, no coupon cards, no cookie dough....just ask me to write a check for exactly what is needed. I'm there.