The best frozen meatballs I've ever tried would probably be MamaMancini's. I buy them at my local Publix but I'm sure there are many other grocery stores that sell it.
The box says these meatballs are "all natural." I definitely believe this because when I look at the ingredients on the back of the box, it literally just says foods and seasonings you can find in your house.
They taste great to me and I probably make them about twice a week for my whole family. I work all day and so does my husband so it's easy for me to just defrost them in a saucepan and warm them up. Sometimes I'll even boil spaghetti to have as a side dish.
Definitely recommend these.
Anybody else try these? I'm surprised no one else has mentioned them. I think they might be my favorite frozen meatball EVER.. and trust me.. I've tried them all!
-Michelle, PA