I feel this way too. And then I remind myself that things are a lot more complicated now that we are older and now that we are Moms. For instance, as a Mom, you have higher standards than you did when you were younger. Additionally, you have different priorities and even different parenting styles. This is not to say it's bad, it just makes it harder to connect with other Moms. There is also a rift between the working Moms and the Stay-at-Home Mom communities. And then you add in your girlfriends that don't have children, aren't planning on having children and/or aren't even married and you have a whole big mess.
Then you add in the time factor. When you have a hubby, a house and children, your time becomes little to none. It's amazing that anyone is able to have friendships, etc.
Hope this helps. You are not alone and it will get better as you get more settled in your life of Mommyhood and get adjusted. Hang in there.