Just go and be yourself. If you have any kind of hobbies perhaps you can connect with them.
Keep doing the individual thing if need be by having a single soldier over for the holidays or the weekends.
It is hard to have friends while being married to an active duty member. Just look at all the places you live as chapters in a book. Every time you move you get a new chance to start over and do something good for someone.
As far as the FRG (or spouses/wives groups) many are as you described. A few are not. The groups are different stateside verses overseas. Not too many wear the rank overseas as we all need one another to get by.
Welcome to Fort Carson I presume since you have Colorado Springs as your home. My son was stationed there and now has a home in the area.
Enjoy your stay and the scenic beauty.
The other S.
PS Do they still do sponsors to new posts? Perhaps you can help out a new person this way and get to know them when they first come to post.