My oldest daughter got her first one at like 1 month old! She has a few more here and there now at 20 months. Her last one was on her hand. Freaked her out because it wouldn't come off! Lol
Yesterday my 2 yo daughter grew 2 teeny tiny little freckles. One on her arm, and one on her leg. Today I found another one! lol.
I'm not really worried, because we are a freckly family.
I'm hoping that she isn't as freckly as I am... She probably won't be, since she didn't get my red hair either... but you never know! Lol. (And if she does wind up freckled, then I am going to LOVE those little freckles. lol.)
Out of curiosity, when did your kids start sprouting freckles? :)
My oldest daughter got her first one at like 1 month old! She has a few more here and there now at 20 months. Her last one was on her hand. Freaked her out because it wouldn't come off! Lol
My daughter was 18 months, previously her complexion had been like porcelain. Her hair color also changed at that time from black to reddish brown. She went from looking like Snow White to looking like herself : )
Just this summer my 4 1/2 year old started getting some on her nose, and as summer has progressed, they have spread to her cheeks too! So darn cute!! I suspect that if we had lived at the pool last year as much as we have this year, she may have sprouted some then. However, 2 year old doesn't have any. I have a few here and there; daddy (hubby) has millions, and red hair ;)
I assumed that both of my boys would be covered in freckles, since they got my white, white skin. They only have the odd freckle here an there at 7&10, so I guess they dodged that bullet! I had a full freckle face going into kindergarten. Maybe it is because they wear sunscreen, and I didn't as a child? In the summer I don't tan, but my freckles multiply on my arms and shoulders to make me look brown.
My oldest (almost 13) only has a few. My 9 yr. old is freckle-face along with shoulders. She started to get them at about 5 yrs. old. My son who is 4 yrs. started to get them at about 2 yrs. old, though his are smaller specks than big sister. I think they are lovely! :) I remember being very self-conscious of mine at about 8 yrs. old and a cashier once asked me if I ever tried to count them. I told her no, becoming increasingly embarrassed. Then, she said, "I bet it would be like trying to count the stars in the sky!", with a big smile. Since that moment, I've embraced them! :)
I got them around age 5 and so did my children that have them. I was outside quite a bit before that age but it seemed that they came around 5 and then sun and wind made them worse in summer. By 'worse' I should say 'more' but to me it was/is 'worse' for me. :-)
My mom is a red head , with lots of freckles. I have freckled areas & my son has them across his nose & cheeks. I think he started getting them around 3.
I love freckles!! My husband is from Mexico and his skin is dark and he has freckles like he is a red headed white child :) its so unique and I love it! My 5 yr old is starting to get them as well and my son has a lovely beauty mark on his chin. My mama was a red headed freckle girl too but she always hated it, no idea why! Im freckly and moley too and I can't remember not having them. I noticed. My kids starting to get them after arou nd2 years or so. Embrace it!! Its darling :)
I LOOOOOOVE FRECKLES! and no one in my family has them!
Freckles are pretty....
My son is 4 and has 4 little freckles on his face. I have them everywhere, but he must have more of his dad's italian in him (and less of my scottish/german blend). I think he started getting freckles at about age 3, maybe in his late 2's. I think they're adorable.
I started noticing a few on his nose at about 4. He's almost 6 now. Still not real noticeable but I can see them :)