Hi R.,
I'm sorry to hear that your daughter is having so much difficulty. I know it can be exhausting for everyone.
Here are a few suggestions:
Try a soy based formula for a while.
Try wearing her in some sort of wrap/snuggly during the day to help her sleep upright close to you. She could be crying more because she really needs more sleep.
Take her to a good chiropractor who works on infants/children. Sounds different, but I know a chiropractor who says he can help many babies who seem to be in pain from colic or acid reflux. I think it would be worth a try.
Also, if you don't already, make time to take care of yourself. Call a friend or relative you trust to take your baby out of the house for few hours every few days so you can rest, take a bath, read, do whatever it is that replenishes your spirit. You will be able to BE with your baby from a better, calmer place. I'm not sure if this will be of any consolation or just make you feel more frustrated:) But...some babies will just cry - alot- unless they are being held, rocked, walked, etc. They just need extra closeness and movement. As long as any medical condition has not been found (and if you can, try a Naturopathic Pediatrician as well as your regular MD), then you might just have a little one who is here to teach you something;) What are your expectations? How would you feel if you let go of those expectations? What one small thing would/could you do if when you let go of the stress of expecting peace or anything else, that would make a difference for the better? You can change her formula, seek more medical advice, go to a chiropractor or any other healing method, take 100 relaxing baths, get more sleep...which all helps....but until beliefs and expectations are looked at and possibly changed, you won't really feel any more at "peace".
No matter what the parenting or child develoment issue is, I always always suggest to moms (and dads), is to go within...your inner wise loving mamma will tell you the next step to take.
Best wishes...and I really do hope that peace returns to your home and your baby feels better soon.
mom of 4. Birth and Parenting Mentor