Dear P.,
here is a simple rule that works great for us: We decide what our children eat, they decide how much they eat (this is a rule of thumb by the swiss pediatrician Remo Largo, and does not apply to desserts ect).
Ever since our son was old enough to eat real food (i.e. a little over a year), he has been eating what we eat. If he does not want it, we offer no alternative, but we do not pressure him either. he is a good eater, and eats a great variety of foods. I have noticed that i am prejudiced to what he may like in my cooking sometimes, and he teaches me over and over again that only he knows what he will like (e.g. sardines, fish soup, cauliflower, cabbage, squid). So i just cook good, fresh food and let him decide. We do not eat processed foods like fish fingers or chicken nuggets. But we are easy on him having that outside the home.
I think there is no reason to offer kids anything but what we ourselves eat, if that is fresh, diverse and healthy. So far this has worked very well for us! Even if our son sometimes goes a day without eating much, he sure catches up later, on the choices we offer. His daycare mom loves his eating attitude and reports that he eats very well at her place too, with occasional days of not eating.
For snacks inbetween we offer fresh fruit, nuts, wholemeal crackers, rice cakes, natural yoghurt, bread.
Our daughter is too young yet (mostly breast-fed), but we will approach eating in the same way with her when it's time.
good luck,