Alot of kids go through a phase of storing things in their cheeks. I don't know why. But at 3, she should not be going to bed with food in her cheeks. She will get cavities.
You should let her feed herself. She's plenty old enough. You might have to have a little more patience with her during meal time and tell her, "Take a bite, chew, then swallow." You might even need to try telling her to open her mouth to show you nothing is in there before the next bite.
If she still has food in her mouth after a bite and won't swallow it, take her plate away from her and tell her she's done. Don't yell, don't punish her, just tell her that food is meant to make it to her tummy and if she's going to goof around about it, you'll try at the next meal. One bite, chew, swallow, then next bite. Don't put a time limit on it or anything, but limit how much she gets in her mouth. One bite at a time. If it's not swallowed, nothing else goes in. She's done.
And, no way is she going to bed with food in her cheeks. Make her use her toothbrush and spit all that out and brush and rinse before bed.
Let her feed herself and for now, forgo the idea that it's rude to open your mouth at the table with food in it. She needs to show you that she has swallowed before you let her take more bites.
Stuffing her mouth full isn't working so try the opposite. But let her use her spoon and fork herself.
Make it less of a battle and just be very matter of fact with her that she can't keep food in her mouth for a long time.
It's not good for her.
She won't starve.
Like I said, cut the yelling and all that.
If this has become a habit for her, it might take a few tries for her to get a new routine, but she can get it worked out.
Best wishes.