I made all my baby food and it was so easy. Just steam the green beans and puree them in a blender. Freeze portions in ice cube trays, dump the trays and store in freezer bags. Take out what you need the night before, thaw out in the fridge and heat up in toaster oven (or you could microwave but I don't). If you forget to thaw just put in toaster oven for longer.
I love making it myself because I know exactly what is in it and it is much less expensive.
I look in the reduced produce section at Kroger for organic apples. Cut up (leave peels on), cook to soften in pot with a little water, puree in blender and you have applesauce. Freeze in portions.
Right now you can get great local produce at farmer's markets to stock your freezer.
Here are a couple websites about homemade baby food. Many others on the web.
Have fun!