You cannot work from home without putting your little one in child care. You cannot concentrate and make the grades your future employers will want. If you cannot take your little one to child care while you are doing your school work then please think about it.
Employers look at transcripts totally different than normal people. We had engineers from Armstrong come in one time to an organization meeting. They told us that if someone was studying anything except architecture or engineering and didn't make complete 100% straight "A's" they put the application in the trashcan and moved to the next one.
As an engineering/architecture/CEAT major they had to meet deadlines, finish projects, do every single bit of their work on a timeline and still make "A's".
Their opinion of any other major, except perhaps medical school for a doc, is that they are soft majors. That they are easy "A" classes and if someone does not make those straight "A's" while going to school then they aren't very smart and they are not material for their company.
SO if you are studying anything other than engineering or something else through CEAT then you must concentrate more so you can make straight A's.
Your kiddo is interfering with that. You have to put them in child care while you are "going to school and doing your work" of you are doing it for nothing, your grades will show it.
If you live alone and don't have a partner to help with the kiddo so you can go into an office or bedroom to study then you have no other options than getting someone to help, whether it's a child care provider or a friend who will perhaps trade babysitting with you, try other classmates if you know anyone else taking the classes with you.