Flip Mino V/s Kodak PlaySport

Updated on December 09, 2010
C.T. asks from Hallandale, FL
6 answers

Hi Moms- I am not very technical and would like some advice about which is better. Do any of you have any thoughts about either product?? This would be a gift for my husband who loves to use the video function on my digital camera but eats all my batteries. This would be for fun for quick video clips of life ;)

Thanks- you always provide great feedback!!

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answers from Tampa on

I have the Play sport & LOVE it (6 of my friends all got it after me :) It is simple to use, can go underwater (pics of my 3 year old swimming), I can use it at the spray park... it is HD & uses an SD card so it can go right into your computer or has a cable to watch on your HD TV. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!



answers from Tampa on

I received the Flip as a gift last Christmas, it's great! It's so easy to use, and downloading, organizing, and sharing your photos is simple too. I highly recommend it!



answers from Pittsburgh on

Just got the Flip--ordered from Avon for $89!! So far, so good. (And that's a really good sale!)



answers from Atlanta on

I love my Playsport! Denise P. got a REALLY awesome deal, and I haven't checked prices since this summer -but at that time the Playsport was cheaper. I also like the fact that you can take it in the water and shoot underwater. My 4 year old really started swimming well this past summer and I got it for our beach vacation. We have awesome underwater photos! It makes great still shots and videos as well. The one thing I don't like about mine is that it doesn't have a flash. It really is made to be used outdoors. Good quality and lots of fun though. I feel like I've already gotten my money's worth out of it!



answers from San Francisco on

We have a Flip and love it but if I were you I'd do some more research. I searched "kodak playsport vs flip" and found a lot of info. I didn't check the price differences, that may be a factor for you.



answers from Alexandria on

I have had a flip now for over a year. I absolutely LOVE IT! I am NOT AT ALL tech savy and it is so so easy to use, to upload videos, to share videos, I could go on and on....but it is easy and awesome!
I do recommend that the pay the little bit extra and make sure you get the HD. I did a lot of research and playing with them before I bought them and the quality of the picture on the Flip MinoHD is just unbeatable.

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