One of my best friends put a helmet on her baby. It was only for 2 months--it went by fast. Now, her baby's head is much more perfectly shaped. I recommend it.
My 11 week old son has a "flat head". The doctor had to use the vacuum to help him out after 3 hours of pushing. I think this had a little to do with it. I have been putting him on his side to sleep and play trying to get his head to round out but it is not working. Anyone had any experience with this or with getting a helmet? I was also wondering if insurance paid for the helmets. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
One of my best friends put a helmet on her baby. It was only for 2 months--it went by fast. Now, her baby's head is much more perfectly shaped. I recommend it.
My dd also had plagiocephaly. Check out Crainal Technologies website. Lots of good info.
Yes, Cranial Technologies helped us out too however our insurance didn't cover ours. The helmet was worth every penny.
My son has had his helmet for only two weeks, and I swear I can already see a difference. No, insurance didn't cover ours, but I hear some insurance companies will cover a portion of the cost. (We have United, and they flat-out[no pun intended] refuse to pay anything.) I would recommend keeping an open mind and considering all possibilities. At 11 weeks, our littls one's H. may still round out on its own. We waited until six months before our son was fitted.
My oldest son's head was flat too, and we went to a cranial specialist. The insurance only covered a small portion, and the DOC band had to be worn 24 hrs a day 7 days a week, unless bathing. It also causes the head to sweat a lot and gets very hot, so playing outside in Texas would always be a no no, since the band would have to be worn for a year at least. We decided it wasn't that bad, prayed, and put it in God's hands. It turned out just fine on it's own, and his 8 year old head looks perfectly normal, and quite handsome! I also have had two friends whose babies had "flat heads" and theirs straightened out on their own too. I am not saying that all kids should go without DOC bands. It could be that my experiences were with different degrees than your son's . This is just my personal experience. Good luck with whatever happens!
My son was born with a flat head too. Take him to the dr. and tell them you want to be referrred to a specialist. Then go there and have his head measured. If the flatness is over a certain amount, insurance will pay for the helmet. That is what we did and my son wore the helment for a year and now he has a beautifully shaped head.
My son just graduated from his DOC Band in June. He wore his for 2 1/2 months for positional plagiocephaly (not from delivery or in utero reasons). We are pregnant w/ our 3rd child and before we left we asked them what we could do to intervene earlier w/ this one if needed. They said they offer a free consultation where they can let you know if they think the child will need to be banded or just need some stretching/repositioning. Call Cranial Technologies (in Dallas on Hillcrest Plaza near Hillcrest & 635) to set up an appt if you are worried. Our technician was J. and she was great. Good luck!
My daughter wore a DOC band for about 3 months (age 6-9 months). We went to Cranial Technologies in Dallas. Our clinician was Mendy and she was great. My daughter was labeled as severe and her head corrected pretty good (not perfect but good and is considered normal). My daughter is adopted and was in foster care with us at the time so we contacted Wednesday's child and they paid 100%. I know lots of people had trouble with insurance. If your child is labeled as severe you may have a better chance. It seems like a terrible thing to go through but it wasn't bad at all and it's almost like it never happened when I think back. It goes by really fast. I can email you pictures of my daughter and her helmet if you want. My husband also painted her helmet pink and would be willing to do the same for you if you wish, obviously a different color :-). Email me if you need more info or pics!