Yes, I have a 6 mo old boy who is 3 weeks into the helmet. We tried the different avenues - physical therapy, a manipulative medicine doctor (deep tissue work) and were unable to get the necessary progress. I was 100% against the helmet, but in the end am glad we have one. In 3 weeks I have seen tremendous results. My son has torticollis as well which caused the plagio. His is moderate to severe...they say they think he'll only have 6-8 weeks in the helmet. It's a tough call, but you'll eventually know what to do. For me it was realizing that if I didn't do it now, I may regret it later. There is only a certain time frame in the kids for it to work. We used Cranial Technologies and they really helped me not be so nervous and realize that if not treated in some cases, it can cause issues for hearing, vision, sinus' etc. Good luck.xaaaz