Don't worry about nutrition right now. Just eat what you can and you can make up for it later. I was terribly sick with both my pregnancies, too.
Ok, so I am about 8 weeks pregnant right now and so sick to my stomach (no throwing up) that I cannot stomach many veggies and fruit. There are a few I can't sort of eat, but overall they are grossing me out. Normally that's all I eat but now I just want carby and salty food. This is my second child and I don't remember me feeling so sick last time, I know that I was, but not this bad. Any suggestions on how I can maintain a healthy diet even though I don't want much of what's good for me right now?
Don't worry about nutrition right now. Just eat what you can and you can make up for it later. I was terribly sick with both my pregnancies, too.
I am gonna have to agree with the last post. At this point its all about surviving the first trimester eat whatever sounds good to you and jsut make sure you take the prenatal vitamin. I mean really if you eat only healthy food but dont keep anything down it doesnt really do you any good. At least if you are eating something that you are craving you have a better chance of keeping it down without feeling sick.
I agree with the other postings, prenatal vitamins!!! I couldn't eat much with my daughter in the first trimester, something I was thinking about is maybe V-8 drink, the fruit flavors are good, now, you might not be able to drink that either... I know I couldn't eat anything but crackers with my daughter, and then...
Congrats on #2, hang in there...
God Bless!
girl, for some of us, the first trimester is just about survival... do the best you can to choke your prenatal vitamin down, and beyond that, get your calories when and how you can tolerate them. worry about that healthy diet in the later weeks when you are feeling better :) if it gets really bad, ask your OB about phenergan or zofran.
When I was pregnant with my first I would puke about 10 times a day. Eating whatever I could in between. This lasted 9 months. I was working a full time job and was so exhausted at lunch time that I had a sleeping bag set up in the stock room with an alarm where I would conk out for an hour. You will survive and the fact that you haven't puked, it will probably pass in a couple of weeks and the rest of your preg will be a breeze.
My baby was born 7 lb 13 oz. So I guess I ate enough in between.
I agree with the others. I didn't eat very healthy the whole way through because of morning sickness and then severe acid reflux and my son was super healthy and 8 1/2 pounds! He is almost 6 now and is still a super healthy child.
Just take your prenatal vitamins. They will cover a multitude of dietary sins!
with my last preganancy i can not get anything down so i eat just what i can not to much i was just trying to drink water and taking prenatal vitamins i was so naseous that just the smell of anything make me sick ,i was having like 2 very small meals a day. Dont try to eat healthy right now just try to eat
Hi A.,
While I agree with the others about survival, there are things you can do to get more nutrition. I found a product called "The Feast" which contains 70+ nutrient dense concentrates from fresh live whole foods. It comes in a powder you can mix with water and drink like juice (they also come in caplets).
I can send you a free sample to try, just e-mail me your address privately if you're interested.
Best wishes to you during your pregnancy!
Hello A.,
don't worry too much about it. eat the veggies you can and try sipping a bit of ginger tea. if you take any extra supplements, make sure you're not getting too much vitamin A. keep it simple. can you handle soups? blend the veggies into the soup. eat the ones your body tolerates. Good luck and congratulations! ~C.~